Itemwise  total revenue expenditure of urban local bodies in Uttar Pradesh (Rs.Lakh) year  2007-08 Name of local - bodies General administration  &collection charges Public - health Safety & convenience  Education Public works Miscellane-ous Total expenditure Repayment of loans Total revenue expenditure
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1- Nagar nigam 13660.71 30213.34 8064.74 1463.28 25603.15 32401.34 111406.56 4.21 111410.77
2- Nagar palika parishad 13622.44 19201.31 9392.96 1719.02 35913.00 16800.40 96649.13 116.17 96765.30
3- Nagar panchayat 5119.87 3771.33 3054.90 110.44 15597.26 5035.42 32689.22 170.82 32860.04
4- Zila panchayat 4447.34 420.85 226.46 58.13 37406.93 10053.12 52612.83 3737.30 56350.13
5- Development authorities 60568.03 493.81 364.48 0.00 126237.71 54540.21 242204.24 8175.58 250379.82
6- Jal sansthan 9433.20 810.96 8.68 0.00 1987.74 4693.81 16934.39 0.00 16934.39
Total 106851.59 54911.60 21112.22 3350.87 242745.79 123524.30 552496.37 12204.08 564700.45