Index of Industrial Production - Monthly

S.N. Index Month/Year Download/View Download/View
1 Index of Industrial Production - 2023-24 April-2023-March-2024 2-Digit Level Index Use Based Index
2 Index of Industrial Production - 2023-24 April-2023-February-2024 2-Digit Level Index Use Based Index
3 Index of Industrial Production - 2022-23 April-2022-February-2023 2-Digit Level Index Use Based Index
4 Index of Industrial Production - 2021-22 April-2021-March-2022 2-Digit Level Index Use Based Index
5 Index of Industrial Production - 2020-21 April-2020-March-2021 2-Digit Level Index Use Based Index
6 Index of Industrial Production - 2019-20 April-2019-March-2020 2-Digit Level Index Use Based Index
7 Index of Industrial Production - 2018-19 April-2018-March-2019 2-Digit Level Index Use Based Index
8 Index of Industrial Production - 2017-18 April-2017-March-2018 2-Digit Level Index Use Based Index
9 Index of Industrial Production - 2016-17 April-2016-March-2017 2-Digit Level Index Use Based Index
10 Index of Industrial Production - 2015-16 April-2015-March-2016 2-Digit Level Index Use Based Index